Thứ Tư, 5 tháng 8, 2015

Sun, wind & the pipe problem

Sun, wind & the pipe problem

By  on May 4, 2015

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KTND - 400 million for the four-level houses on an area of 5 x 23m the main direction in the land west of the plateau.Two years experience of his young architects leave her home as his home help. And 3 months for construction .
These dry statistics that posed a problem at the data but requires more work arrangements that do not exceed the budget but still enough demand for family of small, light enough natural ventilation without was harsher, pumpkin painting.
Need a place to "get along" little creative in an area not much. The foundation is designed with load capacity 2 floors, so the home is expected to stories as more budget and need more space for the children later.
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The solution of this problem comes from the Level 4 area and the specific conditions inherent harsh sun and wind. The house is closed but remains open, but not confined shielding, putting green washed, bring light to the room full of women before then.
Back in order to reduce the construction area is reduced costs, increased space for greenery is also increasing opportunities to breathe from skylights, open airy place so many baths and drying of moisture free.
The solution of this problem there is a level 4 the help of local craftsmen and the owner family, the siblings together some homemade wooden molds and casting himself craft "dragging" the cotton than 1,300 wind by cement.
The array was simple gray cotton wind becoming distinct visual symbol for the house. They just assume that role sunny ventilation filter, just to make up the spatial variation of light dancing through the virtual depending on the time of day.
No additional pieces, decorating, tiling else anymore picky.
And thanks to "solve problems" like, a real home comforts but not gaudy, airy without feeling empty, casual familiar but a little different, has been formed.

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